Pokemon Go APK Shiny: How to Catch Shiny Pokemon in the Game
If you are a fan of Pokemon Go, you probably know how exciting it is to encounter a shiny Pokemon. These are rare variants of regular Pokemon that have a different color scheme and sparkle when they appear on the screen. Shiny Pokemon are highly sought after by collectors and trainers, as they add a touch of uniqueness and prestige to your Pokedex.
pokemon go apk shiny
But how do you find and catch shiny Pokemon in the game? And what can you do with them once you have them? In this article, we will answer these questions and more. We will show you how to use the Pokemon Go APK file to access some useful features and tools that will help you catch shiny Pokemon. We will also give you some tips and tricks on how to evolve, trade, and show off your shiny collection. Let's get started!
What is Pokemon Go APK?
An APK file is an Android application package that contains all the files and data needed to run an app on your device. You can download and install APK files from various sources online, such as websites, forums, or blogs. However, you need to be careful when downloading APK files from unknown sources, as they may contain malware or viruses that can harm your device.
Pokemon Go APK is an unofficial version of the game that has some extra features and options that are not available in the official app. For example, you can use the perfect throw feature to guarantee an excellent curveball throw every time, or use the shiny scanner feature to detect any shiny or Ditto nearby. These features can make your gameplay more fun and rewarding, but you also need to be aware of the risks and consequences of using them. Pokemon Go APK is not authorized by Niantic, the developer of the game, and may violate their terms of service. This means that you may get banned or suspended from the game if you use Pokemon Go APK. Therefore, you should use it at your own discretion and responsibility.
How to Find Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Go APK?
Shiny Pokemon are very rare in Pokemon Go, and there is no guaranteed way to find them. However, there are some methods and strategies that can increase your chances of encountering them. Here are some of them:
Method 1: Use the shiny checklist to see which Pokemon can be shiny and where to find them
Pokemon Go APK has a feature called the shiny checklist, which shows you a list of all the Pokemon that can be shiny in the game, along with their locations and spawn rates. You can access this feature by tapping on the menu icon on the top left corner of the screen, then selecting "Shiny Checklist". You can also filter the list by region, generation, type, or rarity. This way, you can plan your hunting route and target the Pokemon that you want to catch.
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Method 2: Use the shiny scanner to detect any shiny or Ditto nearby
Pokemon Go APK also has a feature called the shiny scanner, which scans your surroundings and alerts you if there is any shiny or Ditto nearby. You can access this feature by tapping on the menu icon on the top left corner of the screen, then selecting "Shiny Scanner". You can also adjust the scan radius and frequency according to your preference. The shiny scanner will show you a map with icons indicating the location and type of the shiny or Ditto. You can tap on the icons to see more details, such as the name, CP, IVs, and moveset of the Pokemon. This way, you can save time and effort by going directly to the spot where the shiny or Ditto is.
Method 3: Participate in events, raids, and research tasks that offer shiny rewards
Another way to find shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Go APK is to participate in events, raids, and research tasks that offer shiny rewards. These are special occasions that increase the spawn rate or availability of certain Pokemon, some of which may be shiny. For example, during community days, spotlight hours, or seasonal events, you may encounter more Pokemon of a specific type or species, and some of them may be shiny. Similarly, during raids or research tasks, you may have a chance to encounter or receive a shiny Pokemon as a reward. You can check the in-game news or announcements for more information about these events and their schedules.
How to Catch Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Go APK?
Once you find a shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Go APK, you need to catch it before it runs away or despawns. Catching a shiny Pokemon is similar to catching a regular Pokemon, but there are some tips and tricks that can help you increase your success rate. Here are some of them:
Tip 1: Use a perfect throw to guarantee an excellent curveball and prevent the Pokemon from fleeing
Pokemon Go APK has a feature called the perfect throw, which allows you to throw a pokeball with perfect accuracy and timing every time. You can access this feature by tapping on the menu icon on the top left corner of the screen, then selecting "Perfect Throw". You can also choose between different types of balls (regular, great, ultra, or premier) and different levels of difficulty (easy, medium, hard, or expert). The perfect throw will automatically adjust your aim and force according to the chosen settings. This way, you can guarantee an excellent curveball throw every time, which will increase your catch rate and give you extra XP.
Tip 2: Use berries, balls, and medals to increase your catch rate
Besides using the perfect throw feature, you can also use other items and factors to increase your catch rate. For example, you can use berries (such as razz berries, nanab berries, pinap berries, or golden razz berries) to make the Pokemon easier to catch or give you more rewards. You can also use different types of balls (such as great balls, ultra balls, or premier balls) to improve your chances of catching the Pokemon. Additionally, you can earn medals (such as type medals or catch medals) by catching more Pokemon of a certain type or category. These medals will boost your catch rate for that type or category.
Tip 3: Turn on AR+ mode to get extra XP and a better view of the shiny Pokemon
Pokemon Go APK also supports AR+ mode, which is an augmented reality feature that allows you to see the Pokemon in the real world. You can access this feature by tapping on the AR+ icon on the top right corner of the screen when you encounter a Pokemon. You can also adjust the camera angle, zoom, and focus to get a better view of the Pokemon. AR+ mode will give you extra XP for catching the Pokemon, as well as a more immersive and realistic experience. However, you need to have a compatible device and a stable internet connection to use this feature.
How to Evolve Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Go APK?
After you catch a shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Go APK, you may want to evolve it to see its evolved form or increase its power. Evolving a shiny Pokemon is similar to evolving a regular Pokemon, but there are some rules and exceptions that you need to know. Here are some of them:
Rule 1: Shiny Pokemon will retain their shininess when they evolve
The first and most important rule is that shiny Pokemon will not lose their shininess when they evolve. This means that if you have a shiny Charmander, it will become a shiny Charmeleon and then a shiny Charizard. This also applies to Pokemon that have multiple evolution stages or branches, such as Eevee or Wurmple. However, this rule does not apply to some special cases, such as Spinda or Cherrim, which have different forms or patterns that are not affected by shininess.
Rule 2: Some shiny Pokemon have different forms or colors when they evolve
The second rule is that some shiny Pokemon have different forms or colors when they evolve. This means that the shiny variant of the evolved Pokemon may look different from the shiny variant of the base Pokemon. For example, a shiny Magikarp is golden, but a shiny Gyarados is red. Similarly, a shiny Shellder is orange, but a shiny Cloyster is purple. This rule adds more diversity and surprise to your shiny collection, as you may not know what your shiny Pokemon will look like until you evolve it.
Rule 3: Some shiny Pokemon require special items or conditions to evolve
The third rule is that some shiny Pokemon require special items or conditions to evolve. This means that you need to have certain items or meet certain criteria to evolve these Pokemon. For example, you need to have a sun stone to evolve a shiny Gloom into a shiny Bellossom, or you need to have high friendship with your shiny Eevee to evolve it into a shiny Umbreon or Espeon. This rule adds more challenge and strategy to your gameplay, as you need to plan ahead and prepare for these evolutions.
How to Trade Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Go APK?
Another thing that you can do with your shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Go APK is to trade them with other players. Trading is a feature that allows you to exchange Pokemon with your friends or other trainers nearby. Trading can be beneficial for both parties, as you can get new Pokemon that you don't have or complete your Pokedex. However, there are some requirements and limitations that you need to know before trading. Here are some of them:
Requirement 1: You need to be friends with the other trainer and have enough stardust
The first requirement is that you need to be friends with the other trainer and have enough stardust. You can add friends by exchanging trainer codes or scanning QR codes with other players. You can also increase your friendship level by sending gifts, battling together, or raiding together. You need to have at least good friends level (one heart) to trade regular Pokemon, great friends level (two hearts) to trade legendary or shiny Pokemon, and best friends level (four hearts) to trade special trades. Special trades are trades that involve legendary, shiny, or new Pokedex entries. You can only do one special trade per day.
You also need to have enough stardust to trade Pokemon. Stardust is a resource that you can earn by catching Pokemon, hatching eggs, completing research tasks, or participating in events. The amount of stardust required for trading depends on the type and rarity of the traded Pokemon, as well as your friendship level with the other trainer. Generally, trading regular Pokemon costs less stardust than trading legendary or shiny Pokemon, and trading with higher friendship level costs less stardust than trading with lower friendship level.
Requirement 2: You can only trade one shiny or legendary Pokemon per day
The second requirement is that you can only trade one shiny or legendary Pokemon per day. This means that if you trade a shiny or legendary Pokemon with another trainer, you cannot trade another one with anyone else until the next day. This is to prevent abuse or exploitation of the trading system, as well as to maintain the rarity and value of shiny and legendary Pokemon. You can check your daily trade limit by tapping on the menu icon on the top left corner of the screen, then selecting "Trade". You will see a message indicating how many trades you have left for the day.
Requirement 3: The traded Pokemon may change their IVs, CP, and HP
The third requirement is that the traded Pokemon may change their IVs, CP, and HP. This means that the stats of the Pokemon that you receive may be different from the stats of the Pokemon that you send. This is to add some randomness and unpredictability to the trading process, as well as to balance the game and prevent cheating. The range of possible stats for the traded Pokemon depends on your friendship level with the other trainer. The higher your friendship level, the higher the minimum and maximum stats for the traded Pokemon.
How to Show Off Your Shiny Collection in Pokemon Go APK?
After you trade your shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Go APK, you may want to show off your shiny collection to your friends or other players. Showing off your shiny collection is a way to express your personality and achievements in the game, as well as to inspire and motivate others. There are several ways to show off your shiny collection in Pokemon Go APK. Here are some of them:
Option 1: Use the search term "shiny" to filter your Pokedex and see all your shiny Pokemon
The simplest way to show off your shiny collection is to use the search term "shiny" to filter your Pokedex and see all your shiny Pokemon. You can access this feature by tapping on the Pokedex icon on the bottom right corner of the screen, then typing "shiny" in the search bar. You will see a list of all the shiny Pokemon that you have caught or seen in the game, along with their numbers, names, and types. You can also tap on each Pokemon to see more details, such as their stats, moves, and evolution stages.
Option 2: Use the nickname feature to give your shiny Pokemon unique names
Another way to show off your shiny collection is to use the nickname feature to give your shiny Pokemon unique names. You can access this feature by tapping on a Pokemon in your Pokedex or storage, then tapping on the pencil icon next to its name. You can then type any name that you want for your shiny Pokemon, up to 12 characters long. You can use this feature to personalize your shiny Pokemon, make them stand out from others, or express your creativity and humor.
Option 3: Use the snapshot feature to take photos of your shiny Pokemon in the real world
The final way to show off your shiny collection is to use the snapshot feature to take photos of your shiny Pokemon in the real world. You can access this feature by tapping on a Pokemon in your Pokedex or storage, then tapping on the camera icon on the top right corner of the screen. You can then choose between AR mode or AR+ mode, depending on your device and preference. AR mode will place your shiny Pokemon on a flat surface in front of you, while AR+ mode will allow you to walk around and interact with your shiny Pokemon. You can also adjust the camera angle, zoom, and focus to get the best shot. You can then save or share your photos with your friends or social media.
In conclusion, catching shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Go APK is a fun and rewarding activity that can enhance your gameplay experience. By using some of the features and tools that Pokemon Go APK offers, such as the perfect throw, the shiny scanner, and the shiny checklist, you can increase your chances of finding and catching shiny Pokemon in the game. You can also evolve, trade, and show off your shiny collection using some of the tips and tricks that we have shared with you in this article. We hope that you have learned something new and useful from this article, and that you will enjoy catching shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Go APK.
Q1: How rare are shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Go APK?
A1: The rarity of shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Go APK varies depending on several factors, such as the species, event, or method of encounter. Generally speaking, most wild encounters have a base rate of 1 in 450 chance of being shiny, while some events or raids may have higher or lower rates depending on their duration or difficulty. Some species may also have different rates depending on their form or evolution stage. Therefore, it is hard to give an exact number for how rare shiny Pokemon are in Pokemon A3: Yes, you can get banned for using Pokemon Go APK, as it is not authorized by Niantic, the developer of the game, and may violate their terms of service. Niantic has the right to monitor and detect any unauthorized or modified versions of the game, and to take action against any players who use them. The actions may include warning, suspension, or permanent ban from the game. Therefore, you should use Pokemon Go APK at your own discretion and responsibility, and be aware of the risks and consequences of doing so.
Q4: What are the best shiny Pokemon to catch in Pokemon Go APK?
A4: The answer to this question may depend on your personal preference and taste, as different players may have different opinions on what makes a shiny Pokemon attractive or valuable. However, some general factors that may influence your choice are the rarity, appearance, performance, or popularity of the shiny Pokemon. For example, some players may prefer shiny Pokemon that are very rare or hard to find, such as shiny Mewtwo or shiny Unown. Others may prefer shiny Pokemon that have a striking or beautiful color scheme, such as shiny Charizard or shiny Milotic. Still others may prefer shiny Pokemon that are strong or useful in battles or raids, such as shiny Metagross or shiny Rayquaza. Finally, some players may prefer shiny Pokemon that are popular or iconic in the Pokemon franchise, such as shiny Pikachu or shiny Eevee.
Q5: Can I transfer my shiny Pokemon from Pokemon Go APK to other games?
A5: Yes, you can transfer your shiny Pokemon from Pokemon Go APK to other games that are compatible with the Pokemon Home app. Pokemon Home is a cloud service that allows you to store and manage your Pokemon across multiple games and devices. You can download the Pokemon Home app on your smartphone or Nintendo Switch, and link it with your Pokemon Go account. You can then transfer your shiny Pokemon from Pokemon Go APK to Pokemon Home, and from there to other games that support the service, such as Pokemon Sword and Shield or Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee. However, you need to be aware that some features or functions may not work properly when transferring your shiny Pokemon from Pokemon Go APK to other games, such as their stats, moves, abilities, or forms. 44f88ac181